Posts by irina

Is it really time for another Finnish course?

February 20th, 2018 Posted by Language No Comment yet

There’s an unspoken rule that the more Finnish courses you take, the better. I don’t like this rule. Here’s what we assume when we think another Finnish course is what we really need, and 5 helpful questions to help you decide if another Finnish course is what you really need.

Practicing the Finnish partitive case in real life – video

February 15th, 2018 Posted by Language, Video No Comment yet

I learned the partitive by trying to study it, and when that didn’t really help me grasp it, I TOOK TO THE STREETS. No, really. I read all the ads on the street and I hunted down the partitive. This is one of my favourite ways to learn. In today’s video, I give you an in-depth example of how I do this using a Subway ad.

7 things I learned about myself & the world through Finnish

February 13th, 2018 Posted by Language, Life, My Story No Comment yet

Back when I first started learning Finnish, I thought of it as an exciting, intellectual, almost artistic challenge. I wanted to express myself in Finnish and I wondered about how I’d develop the ability to conjugate, inflect and live in Finnish! What I didn’t expect, was that I would learn a lot about myself on the way. I kind of just thought I’d learn Finnish. In the post I reflect on the 7 things I learned about myself and the world through this process.

7 Simple Finnish Sounds That Come in Handy

February 8th, 2018 Posted by Language, Video No Comment yet

Today I’m excited to present you with a collection of 7 Finnish sounds! These sounds are carefully curated from real life and can be used at your leisure. Just insert them into different situations and watch what happens! 😉

Collective Equilibrium: leveraging individual strengths to improve collective well-being

February 6th, 2018 Posted by Insights, Life No Comment yet

I believe every single person and being I come across knows something that I don’t know, and vice versa. For this reason, every interaction is a chance to learn something new, for ourselves and the people we interact with. This post explains my thinking and its far-reaching implications.

What’s in store for 2018

January 31st, 2018 Posted by My Story, News | Announcements | Updates No Comment yet

In this post I’ll tell you a bit about how I wrapped up 2017, my fresh intention for the new year and three of the dreams I know we can accomplish in 2018.

Vlog Q&A: “Kuinka kauan olet opiskellut suomea?”

December 17th, 2017 Posted by Blog No Comment yet

Miksi juuri tämä kysymys? Pari päivää sitten olin Helsingin junassa ystänä kanssa. Puhuttiin suomea ja vastapäätä istuva mies pahoitteli, että oli salakuntelemassa ja halusi kysyä vain pari asiaa minulta: mikä mun äidinkieli on, miten joudun Suomeen ja…kuinka kauan oon opiskellut suomea? Pahoin.kysymys.ikinä. Jos tunnet minut henkilökohtaisesti, ehkä tiedät, etten vastaa tähän kysymykseen selkeästi. Minun mielestä se…

Rumi on Language: “A longing for home”

December 13th, 2017 Posted by Language, People & Profiles No Comment yet

“Words are not important in themselves, but as resonators for a center. […] All language is a longing for home.” — Coleman Barks in The Essential Rumi (pg. 17) If all language is a longing for home, and we speak English in a sea of Finnish, we will always associate home with another time, another place and another people. We will always see ourselves as other. And guess what?

Exploring language souls & identity with Maria Weidner

December 1st, 2017 Posted by Inspiration, Language, People & Profiles, Self Discovery, Video No Comment yet

Meet Maria Weidner: a native Berliner with an Indonesian soul. Maria is also a German teacher and artist. The first time I heard Maria speak Indonesian, time stopped. Maria, German a few moments ago, was no longer a German woman. She’d been transformed into an Indonesian woman, who is clearly Indonesian! Witnessing such a sense of ease, fluidity and joy when Maria speaks Indonesian (a language she learned as an adult) forces us to re-think all the things we thought we understood about culture, languages and ‘who we really are.’

Why I’m not learning any new languages right now

November 29th, 2017 Posted by Language, Life, My Story No Comment yet

In this vlog post, I discuss why I’m not learning any new languages right now and what I’m excited about instead. I also touch on a few of the following topics: Learning for fun from home vs learning abroad for ‘need’ vs learning for a real need + studying vs. learning + The pull of curiosity vs. the push of obligation + timing of language learning (also vs studying) + Looking at language learning in the context of your life

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Hi! I’m Irina.

I’m a multibelonger to Finland, Canada and Romania, without ONE language or culture to call my own – I have several. My intention is to be present where I am and find inner peace and harmony where ever life takes me. I’m embracing the gems of the ongoing cultural and linguistic transition which is my life and hope to inspire others interested in doing the same. Click here to find out more!