Posts tagged " truths "

Follow your joy to keep growing & learning

January 23rd, 2019 Posted by Language No Comment yet

The more fun and joy we bring to learning Finnish – at any level – the better we learn and adapt to the language. Welcome to my world where Finnish is an unfolding adventure that’s filled with awe, joy and ease.

Did you know? You are wired for language

January 15th, 2019 Posted by Inspiration, Language 2 comments

The simple truth is: you were born to learn and adapt to language at any level! In this video I explain why, how and the very good news this leads to. Maybe you’ll even get inspired 😉

hidden language ability

What you’re truly capable of…

May 20th, 2018 Posted by Inspiration, Language, Self Discovery No Comment yet

I spent a lovely evening with friends last night and we got to talking about this amazing Finnish beatboxer named Felix Zenger. Juha and I saw him perform a few years back and to our amazement, it sounded like he had a 10 synthesizers in his mouth, when all he held was a microphone – nothing else. “How does someone do that?” we kept asking. I’m often asked this question in the context of speaking fluent Finnish. Here’s something we’re not considering…

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Hi! I’m Irina.

I’m a multibelonger to Finland, Canada and Romania, without ONE language or culture to call my own – I have several. My intention is to be present where I am and find inner peace and harmony where ever life takes me. I’m embracing the gems of the ongoing cultural and linguistic transition which is my life and hope to inspire others interested in doing the same. Click here to find out more!