Winter reminder: you’re already whole

If in every breath you strip naked just like a winter,
the joy of spring will grow from within
– Rumi

It’s almost upon us: the dead of winter.

Some seem to spend all of fall dreading this time of year, but now that it’s upon us, can we lean into it fully, and even enjoy it?

Cold, fresh, air and huddled warmth and limited energy. What does winter in Finland have to teach us?

Honestly, it took me a couple of years of living in the north to really appreciate the rhythm of the seasons. To be preparing for winter, in the height of summer, by living it to the fullest. Our society supports summer: the time to take action.

But every ebb has its flow and now winter is upon us. In order to honour the seasons, we also need to honour the impulse to s.l.o.w..d.o.w.n. This is what joulurauha is for, and the upcoming, magical winter solstice that accompanies it (Dec 22, 2019).

While my inbox overflows with ‘last-minute’ everything, I am turning inward. Doing less. Noticing more. Reflecting and winding down towards the end of 2019 – conserving my energy so I can show up rested in 2020 – instead of depleated – and give from an overflowing cup. ​In recent years, I’ve noticed that giving myself the gift of slowing down pays dividends throughout year.

It’s also a time of letting go, and this is the best time of year to spiral within to the deepest, darkest parts and surrender something we do not want to carry forth into the new year and next cycle. What is waiting in the silence to be acknowledged, thanked and released? Only you know. This is not another ‘to-do’, it’s a nudge from our planet, the infinitely wise Mother Earth. We simply show up and notice, and the process will unfold on its own.

Let this email be like a warm hug from a dear friend. A reminder that you don’t need to do anything or be anyone to be ok and at peace. You simply are your wonderful self, and that is enough. You are already whole. Stopping to remember this, or if you’re on fast-forward, realizing your wholeness in fast-forward is the surest way to at least slow down mentally, if not physically.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here with me throughout 2019. It has been a heck of a year. I look forward to many more joint adventures in 2020. May this winter bring you rest, relaxation and the joy of simple pleasures, so you can awaken strong next spring.

You deserve this and so much more!

xx Irina

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Hi! I’m Irina.

I’m a multibelonger to Finland, Canada and Romania, without ONE language or culture to call my own – I have several. My intention is to be present where I am and find inner peace and harmony where ever life takes me. I’m embracing the gems of the ongoing cultural and linguistic transition which is my life and hope to inspire others interested in doing the same. Click here to find out more!