Posts tagged " nature "

What Summer Can Teach Us

June 23rd, 2020 Posted by Life No Comment yet

Over the past 10+ years of living in Finland, I’ve found nature’s ability to adapt and flow with the cycles to be the most inspiring teacher there is in my own transition abroad. Whether for you it’s the plasticity required to adapt to another language or the fluidity that other cultures ask of us – or both at once – nature has lessons to help us navigate the terrain with more grace. Here’s what summer has to teach us…

3 things spring teaches us about life & Finnish language

May 13th, 2018 Posted by Inspiration, Local Discovery No Comment yet

Ah… spring! Do you feel it in the air? This time of year is among my favourites. There is so much we can learn from the seasons and their cyclical nature. Think about it: what is the purpose of spring in the context of the year?

Seeds, seedlings & Finnish silence

September 11th, 2017 Posted by My Story, News | Announcements | Updates 4 comments

It’s been quiet over here… a little too quiet sometimes. Silence can mean different things to different people: in Finland, silence is almost sacred. In Canada, we tend to say that silence is golden, but we run from its intimacy when it does grace us. Online, it can mean anything, but mostly it’s interpreted as abandon. A silence blog or website is an abandoned and neglected one. If I can choose, I’d interpret the silence on these pages as…

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Hi! I’m Irina.

I’m a multibelonger to Finland, Canada and Romania, without ONE language or culture to call my own – I have several. My intention is to be present where I am and find inner peace and harmony where ever life takes me. I’m embracing the gems of the ongoing cultural and linguistic transition which is my life and hope to inspire others interested in doing the same. Click here to find out more!